Claire is currently on maternity leave enjoying time with a new bundle of chaos. Orders for in-stock items can be dispatched. Custom services will resume in June.

Post fair blues... booked a fashion show!

Phew! Two weeks since my last stall, at Arnos Vale Macabre Market. It was an awesome one! I cant believe how busy it was, was so lovely to meet so many nice people with a common interest in the macarbre and the unusual. I'm so grateful that people liked and bought my Jewellery, seems silly but I wasnt sure how it would be recieved as my previous stalls have all been board game conventions. So this was my first experience of showing more of my other, unusual jewellery. :) 

Now I am having abit of post fair blues, (probably just means I should book more!), maybe not blues.... more worry and panic as so much to do! More things to make and prepare and plan! Must book to go to more fairs have more stalls!

So I have booked to show a range of my Jewellery at Bristol Fashion Show at Ashton Court Mansion! This should be an interesting experience, to see what people in the fashion industry think of some of my work. So watch this space! 

Bristol Fashion Show Sat 23rd and Sun 24th November from 7.30pm and 6.30pm respectively.

Other forthcoming stalls:

Dragonmeet- Saturday 30th November @ Novotel London West 9am-11pm

Christmas school fair - Friday 6th Decembet 5-7pm @ Round hill primary school, Bath